Gail Callahan: The Kangaroo Dyer
Gail Callahan started her odyssey as The Kangaroo Quilter, designing quilts and bags as an expression of her love of fabric and color. Gail wanted a symbol incorporating her love of her children and the concept that they were always with her. The Kangaroo, like her human counterpart, is one of the few mammals who carries her young with her. Thus was born the Kangaroo Logo. Her journey led her inexorably to weaving where she designed her own line of handwovens as The Kangaroo Weaver producing her unique scarves and fabric.
Eventually, Gail reached a point where she wanted more contact with the raw material, unimpeded by even the minimal interference of a loom. After several classes and much experimentation, Gail began felting hats of many styles and shapes. One result of the classes was her own “felted goddesses” which seem to come alive and develop personality as the felter works to create the face and then the body, rendering each as individual as its creator.
Color and texture have always been priorities for Gail. As she became more accomplished in these areas, she created her own color way. Thus was born The Kangaroo Dyer. Using her instinct for color, Gail begins with un-dyed skeins of yarn, creatively blending until the final product is both beautiful to look at and sensual to handle. As a by-product, Gail now hand-dyes silk scarves and sashes, creating elegant fashion accessories at a modest price.

Gail continues to work and teach at WEBS, Americas Yarn Store ( in Northampton, MA. She is grateful for the encouragement and support of the Elkins family and the entire staff at WEBS.